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P.E.I. groups opposed to Northern Pulp effluent proposal holding public meeting April 8


The Northern Pulp plant at Abercrombie Point, Pictou County, N.S. -The Chronicle Herald

Several environmental groups on P.E.I. are organizing a public meeting to inform Islanders about the Abercrombie Northern Pulp Mill’s proposal to discharge effluent into the Northumberland Strait.

The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association with the support of Pictou Landing First Nation and the Maritime Fishermen’s Union, is opposed to the proposed effluent treatment and disposal system for the Abercrombie Point mill that will release 70-90 million litres of effluent daily through a pipeline into the Northumberland Strait.

Related: P.E.I. premier raises alarm over Nova Scotia's Northern Pulp effluent treatment plant

Leo Broderick with the Council of Canadians says, “We support the position of fisher organizations and the Pictou Landing First Nation and agree with their united position of ‘No Pipe in the Strait’ as it essential we have a clean and healthy Northumberland Strait and we suggest there must be a federal environmental assessment.”

Mary Boyd with the MacKillop Centre for Social Justice says, “We must hold both Northern Pulp and policy makers accountable to find a more just and appropriate solution such as a land-based treatment and disposable system.”

The meeting is set for Sunday, April 8 at 2 p.m. for the Farm Centre, University Avenue in Charlottetown.

Related: Fisherman says meeting increased concerns over effluent dump in Northumberland Strait

Guest speakers will be Melanie Giffin, a marine biologist and program planner with the Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association, and Joan Baxter, author of “The Mill: Fifty Years of Pulp and Protest” which is the story of the Abercrombie pulp mill in Pictou County and the power that a single industry can wield.

Organizing groups are the P.E.I. Chapter of Council of Canadians, Save our Seas and Shores P.E.I., Sierra Club- Atlantic Canada Chapter, the MacKillop Center for Social Justice and the UPEI Environmental Society.

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