our resources • our future
Friends of the Northumberland Strait is a community group concerned about Northern Pulp’s proposed wastewater treatment facility and its potential impact on the environment. Our goal is to create a better future together by protecting the water, air, land and resources of our region, so that we can thrive for
generations to come.

We compile the facts and science, so you can make informed opinions and decisions about Northern Pulp's plans.

building support
We engage the public through open houses, workshops, presentations and social media.

taking action
We make our voice heard through letter campaigns, presentations, signage and rallies.

making news
We get our message out through media releases, opinion pieces and letters to the editor
"The date is the date."
- Chief Andrea Paul -
Pictou Landing First Nation
For 53 years, Pictou Landing First Nation endured air and water pollution from pulp mill effluent that flowed into their sacred A'se'k (Boat Harbour). Since 1991 the NS Government has broken multiple promises to Pictou Landing First Nation to stop the pollution and return A'se'k back to a tidal estuary. On December 18, 2019, Premier McNeil kept his promise and honoured the Boat Harbour Act. Pulp effluent no longer runs into Boat Harbour and the site is currently under going a federal environmental assessment for remediation.